Perfect Fit Pedorthics

Unlocking the Power of Assistive Technology: Understanding NDIS and WHO’s Definition

Assistive technology has revolutionized the lives of millions of people with disabilities, providing them with new opportunities for independence and improved quality of life. Understanding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of assistive technology is crucial for unlocking its power.


The NDIS is an Australian initiative designed to provide support and services to people with disabilities, including access to assistive technology. By understanding the NDIS and its processes, individuals can navigate the system and access the assistive technology they need to thrive.


Meanwhile, WHO defines assistive technology as “any device, system, or design that enhances a person’s ability to live independently and participate fully in society.” This broad definition encompasses a wide range of products and services, highlighting the diverse ways in which assistive technology can empower individuals.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian initiative designed to provide support and services to people with disabilities, including access to assistive technology. It aims to empower individuals to have greater choice and control over the support they receive. Under the NDIS, people with disabilities can access funding to purchase assistive technology that meets their specific needs. This can include anything from mobility aids such as wheelchairs and walkers, to communication devices and home modifications. The NDIS operates on the principle of individualized funding, ensuring that people with disabilities can access the support they require to live their lives to the fullest.


The NDIS has transformed the way assistive technology is accessed and funded in Australia. Prior to its implementation, individuals often faced significant barriers when trying to obtain assistive technology. They had to rely on a fragmented and underfunded system, which led to long waiting times and limited options. The NDIS has changed this by streamlining the process and providing more funding for assistive technology. Now, individuals have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of products and services that can greatly enhance their independence and participation in society.

Understanding WHO’s definition of assistive technology

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines assistive technology as “any device, system, or design that enhances a person’s ability to live independently and participate fully in society.” This broad definition encompasses a wide range of products and services, highlighting the diverse ways in which assistive technology can empower individuals. Assistive technology can include both low-tech and high-tech solutions, ranging from simple adaptations like grab bars and walking sticks, to more complex devices like hearing aids and speech-generating devices. It can also include software and apps that assist with communication, learning, and daily tasks. The WHO’s definition emphasizes the importance of assistive technology in enabling individuals with disabilities to overcome barriers and live their lives to the fullest.

The impact of assistive technology on individuals with disabilities

Assistive technology has a profound impact on the lives of individuals with disabilities. It can improve their independence, mobility, communication, and overall quality of life. For example, mobility aids such as wheelchairs and prosthetics enable individuals with mobility impairments to move around more freely and engage in activities they would otherwise be unable to do. Communication devices and apps allow individuals with speech or hearing impairments to express themselves and interact with others effectively. Assistive technology also helps individuals with cognitive disabilities by providing them with tools for learning, organization, and memory enhancement. Overall, assistive technology empowers individuals with disabilities to overcome their limitations and participate fully in society.

Types of assistive technology available

There is a wide range of assistive technology available to meet the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities. Some common types of assistive technology include:

1. Mobility aids: These include wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, canes, crutches, prosthetic devices, and orthotic devices. which assist individuals with mobility impairments in moving around independently.

2. Communication devices: These can range from simple picture boards to high-tech speech-generating devices, enabling individuals with speech or communication difficulties to express themselves effectively.

3. Hearing aids and cochlear implants: These devices improve hearing abilities for individuals with hearing impairments, enhancing their communication and social interactions.

4. Vision aids: These include magnifiers, screen readers, and Braille displays, which help individuals with visual impairments access information and navigate their environment.

5. Adaptive software and apps: These assist with various tasks such as communication, learning, organization, and accessibility, catering to the specific needs of individuals with disabilities.

Assessing the needs for assistive technology

Assessing the needs for assistive technology is a crucial step in ensuring that individuals with disabilities receive the right support. This process involves conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the individual’s abilities, limitations, and goals. It may include assessments by healthcare professionals, therapists, and assistive technology specialists. The assessment helps determine the specific type of assistive technology required and ensures that it is tailored to the individual’s needs. It also considers factors such as the individual’s environment, lifestyle, and personal preferences. By conducting a thorough assessment, individuals can access the most appropriate assistive technology that will positively impact their lives.
Funding options for assistive technology.

Accessing assistive technology can be costly, and funding options are essential to ensure that individuals with disabilities can afford the technology they need. The NDIS in Australia provides funding for assistive technology through individualized plans. The funding can cover the purchase, maintenance, and repair of assistive technology. Additionally, there are other funding options available, such as government grants, charitable organizations, and private health insurance. It is important for individuals to explore these options and seek guidance from professionals who can assist with navigating the funding process. By understanding the available funding options, individuals can make informed decisions and access the assistive technology they require.

Implementing assistive technology in daily life

Implementing assistive technology in daily life involves more than just acquiring the technology itself. It requires proper training, support, and integration into the individual’s routines and environment. Healthcare professionals, therapists, and assistive technology specialists play a crucial role in this process, providing guidance and training on how to use the technology effectively. They help individuals and their caregivers understand the features and functionalities of the assistive technology and how it can be integrated into daily activities. Ongoing support is also essential to address any challenges or issues that may arise. By ensuring proper implementation and support, individuals can maximize the benefits of assistive technology in their everyday lives. Contact Perfect Fit Pedorthics and find out how we can help you.

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