
Perfect Fit Pedorthics

Bunions and how custom footwear can help?

Bunions are bony bumps that form on the joint at the base of the big toe. They develop when the big toe pushes against the adjacent toe, causing the joint to become enlarged and protrude. Bunions can be painful and may lead to difficulty finding properly fitting footwear.

Custom footwear can play a significant role in managing bunions and alleviating associated discomfort. Here’s how custom footwear can help individuals with bunions:

  • Accommodate Bunion Shape:
    Custom-made shoes are designed to accommodate the specific shape and size of the foot, including the bunion. They provide extra width in the toe box, allowing sufficient space for the bunion without causing additional pressure.
  • Reduce Pressure Points:
    Custom footwear can be crafted to reduce pressure points on the bunion. Strategic padding and cushioning can help distribute weight more evenly across the foot, minimising discomfort.
  • Prevent Friction and Irritation:
    Well-fitted custom shoes can prevent friction and irritation on the bunion. Smooth and soft materials can be used to reduce rubbing, minimizing the risk of developing calluses or corns on the bunion.
  • Proper Arch Support:
    Bunions can alter the biomechanics of the foot, affecting arch support. Custom footwear can be designed with proper arch support to address these changes and provide stability, promoting proper foot alignment.
  • Toe Box Width:
    A wide and roomy toe box is crucial for individuals with bunions. Custom-made shoes can be tailored to have an expanded toe box, preventing crowding and allowing the toes, including the bunion, to move freely.
  • Custom Orthotic Inserts:
    Custom orthotic inserts, which are often part of custom footwear, can be crafted to provide additional support and alignment for individuals with bunions. They help distribute pressure evenly and may reduce the progression of the bunion.
  • Material Selection:
    The choice of materials in custom shoes is essential. Soft and flexible materials can help reduce pressure on the bunion, while still providing necessary support.
  • Adjustable Features:
    Custom footwear can include adjustable features such as straps or laces, allowing for a personalized fit. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with bunions, as they can customise the tightness or looseness of the shoe.
  • Consultation with Footwear Specialists:
    Working with a podiatrist or orthopedic footwear specialist ensures a comprehensive assessment of the bunion and the creation of custom shoes tailored to individual needs.

It’s important to note that while custom footwear can provide relief for bunions, it is part of a broader approach to managing this condition. Other measures, such as bunion splints, exercises, and in some cases, surgical intervention, may also be recommended by healthcare professionals.

Always consult with a podiatrist or healthcare provider for personalised advice and a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific condition. Custom footwear is most effective when part of a holistic approach to managing bunions.

Get in touch with Perfect Fit Pedorthics to discover how we can assist you with all your custom footwear needs.

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