Perfect Fit Pedorthics

How footwear modifications can make a big difference in your comfort and mobility.

Foot pain can be a frustrating and debilitating issue, modification to your footwear can be successful in treating a variety of ailments that can alleviate discomfort and improve your mobility. At Perfect Fit Pedorthics, we modify footwear to accommodate many needs such as the following but not limited to:

  • Maximising comfort and mobility
  • Pain management
  • Improving safety
  • Falls prevention
Footwear Modifications

Consider Custom-Made Shoes or Modifications.

If you have a specific foot condition or need extra support, custom-made shoes or modifications may be the best option for you. An orthopedic specialist such as Perfect Fit Pedorthics can create shoes that are tailored to your individual needs, such as extra arch support, shoes raise to correct leg length discrepancies, Custom-made Orthotics or repairs to existing medical grade footwear.

Footwear modifications, alterations or adjustments made to shoes or other types of footwear can enhance their functionality, comfort, or style. These modifications can be done for various reasons, including addressing specific foot conditions, improving performance in sports or activities, accommodating orthotics, or simply personalizing the shoes to suit individual preferences. Here are some common types of footwear modifications Perfect Fit Pedorthics specialise in:

Shoe Raise - to accommodate leg length discrepancies (LLD)

A shoe raise is designed to:

  • Minimise or alleviate pain in the back, hips, knees and/or ankle
  • Stop deterioration of ligaments, tendons, cartilage and joints
  • Improve posture

Some people have Leg length discrepancy (LLD) which is a common occurrence. If a LLD is greater than 5mm, an external shoe raise (build up) is often prescribed.


In some cases, shoe raises greater than 20mm (2cm) can cause the shoe to feel heavy. We have various methods to ensure the shoe is light weight with a more flexible feel.


We stock various colours and endeavour to use the best colour match possible.

Rocker Soles - assists with stance and walking

A rocker sole is one of the most common footwear modifications. Its function is to ‘rock’ the foot with the aim to reduce pain and increase mobility.


There are various styles and degrees of rockers with the most common being a mid-foot rocker sole. This type of rocker has a mild rocking motion at both the toe and heel.

Benefits of a Rocker Sole

  • Provide/add foot motion – reducing pressure on the soles of the feet
  • Help immobilise the foot/ankle – shoe does the movement not the foot
  • Promote healing after surgery and may prevent re-injury
Stabilisers - provides balance and support

There are different degrees of stabilisers that can be added to the lateral side (outside of the foot) or medial side (inside of the foot).

There are 3 types of stabilisers:


• Wedge


• Flare


• Buttress

The benefits of a stabiliser include:

  • All serve the function of providing additional support/stability
  • Improve balance
  • Minimise injury
SACH Heel - relieves pressure on heel and knee joints

Solid Ankle Cushioned Heels (SACH) are like shock absorbers that help cushion the heel, alleviating heel and knee pain from walking caused by heel strike (where the heel hits the ground).

Relasting - increase the surface area of the sole to make it wider for added support and comfort

This is beneficial for those who:

  • Experience charcot foot, which makes the foot appear flatter, and so it takes up more room
  • Develop adult acquired flatfoot
  • Develop bunions
  • Have a prominent bony deformity that makes a regular width painful or uncomfortable
Upper Modifications – Adjustments to footwear are made to address various foot problems and to accommodate your unique feet

Closure Modifications – a permanent adjustment of the upper shoe.

This modification allows the use of footwear by an individual who, previously, may not have been able to use the original closure due to bony deformity of the foot or dysfunction of the hands, back, hips or knees.

Velcro Straps - extension, reduction, replacement and conversion

For some, tying up shoe laces may be difficult due to arthritis, stroke or limited use of hands.

Sometimes the most appropriate footwear for a person is not available in Velcro closure so conversion from lace to Velcro is the best option.

Many styles of footwear do come in Velcro closure with standard sized straps however they may not always be the best fit. Those experiencing difficulties securely fastening their shoes due to swollen feet caused by various medical conditions/medication may benefit from strap extension.

From as little as 2cm to over 10cm extension, we can ensure your feet are safe and secure.

D-rings - can be attached at the end of Velcro straps
  • aid in the removal of footwear using a hook stick
  • designed to allow tightening and fastening to your desired comfort level.
Custom-Made Orthotics – for both the accommodative and corrective (functional) purpose they were intended for

Corrective Orthotics – The main purpose is to correct the way that the feet and ankles move and position themselves during motion.

Accommodative Orthotics
– Are designed to provide cushioning and support to relieve foot pain. By reducing the impact of standing and walking by redistribute weight.

Orthotic Restoration



Orthotics are often prescribed by a Podiatrist as well as other health professionals. A fully customised pair of orthotics is a life time investment. It makes sense to rejuvenate them for a fraction of the replacement cost.

What do your orthotics need?

  • A new cushion bed for extra comfort
  • Genuine leather covers for increased hygiene
  • An extension to a full foot bed

Come and have a chat with us, we would be happy to make some recommendations to ensure your comfort.

Repairs to Medical Grade Footwear

Reasons to repair 

  • Protection - our non-slip soles will protect your valuable shoes/boots
  • Health - Worn down heels may affect your posture
  • Comfort - We can provide some shoe TLC so you can keep your favourite comfy shoes!
  • Injury - Prevent a head over heels experience
  • Quality - We only use the highest quality European materials
  • Sustainability - Let’s all help reduce our carbon footprint

It’s important to note that footwear modifications require professional assistance from a skilled technician to ensure they are done correctly and effectively. Contact Perfect Fit Pedorthics to see how we can help you get the best out of your footwear.