Perfect Fit Pedorthics

Did you know……?

Home Care Packages Program Manual states:

Government funding is intended to help meet your assessed ageing related functional decline care needs so you can continue to live independently in your home for as long as it is safe and appropriate.

Falls Risks:

  • Elderly individuals who are identified as being at high risk for falling, or have a history of falls require appropriate measures to be taken to address these risk factors. The use of appropriate footwear to reduce the risk of sustaining debilitating physical injuries is a cost-effective approach.

No Barriers:

  • Elderly individuals often do not choose appropriate footwear for themselves - there is a tendency for ill-fitted footwear to go unnoticed.
  • Elderly individuals rarely get ‘‘sized’’ for shoes that fit. Furthermore, retail stores often do not stock the customized shoes needed for these customers.
  • The use of inappropriate footwear may be related to socioeconomic factors.
  • With the Australian government’s myagedcare service, such socioeconomic constraints are no longer an issue and appropriate footwear should be considered a priority.

Obtaining footwear from an appropriately trained professional is recommended.  What’s on your feet matters!